We went into a booth for a place that is an Authorized Reseller of Apple products to check out the MacBook Pro. We were asking questions about one and seeing how much we could lower the price. You can't buy anything in Taiwan without negotiating the price or insisting on getting free stuff. Since they wouldn't lower the price, the "Apple" guy said he would give us Microsoft Office. Already installed. Okay, I thought this was a little odd. Then we asked if they sold Adobe CS3 Master Collection. He said that he would install that as well. However, we can only use it for our personal use, not professionally.
Please see Wednesday's post to see what I thought about this.
Look, pictures!
Big, busy, and loud.

Consider yourself lucky I didn't include sound files with these pics. My ears were bleeding by the time we left.

Probably the most interesting part of the show were the shiny, plastic leather-clad girls dancing to techno music on stage and posing for pics off stage.

I guess this one is so famous that people actually asked for her autograph.

An Epson girl.

Another Epson girl. Actually, I don't think she realized that I wasn't interested in her. I was actually trying to take a picture of that guy in the foreground. Damn, he is HOT.

The ViewSonic parrots.

Yes, there's a poor shmuck inside that thing.

This one falls into the "I could have told you that" category.

I would have taken more pictures of the shiny, plastic leather-clad girls, but Wei revoked my camera privileges.
We did get a pretty sweet deal on a camera. It's so cool, it stands on its side. Landscape is dead.

And in case you're wondering, yes, I did use our new Canon IXUS 860 IS to take a picture of our new Canon IXUS 860 IS. It's that good.
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