Friday, October 19, 2007

Episode IV: A New Beginning

On July 7, 2007, we boarded the aircraft and said "See you later!" to America.

You'd think 7-7-7 would be my lucky day.

Everything about the flight was fine, except for these punks from Teen Missions International (Oops, silly me. It appears I've conveniently provided you with a link to their website. It would be a shame if you sent them an angry letter.) Apparently someone told these apostles-in-training that it's okay to kick my seat every ten minutes, stick their butts in my face so they can gab with one of their kin, or sit that same butt down in my seat every time I got up to go to the restroom.

Once we land in Taiwan, one of them asks, "So are we in China?"

. . . . .

Wait. . . It gets better.

"Yeah," the only Asian member answers. "Taiwan's technically a part of China, but they think they're not."
She's right, you know. Taiwan doesn't think it's a part of China. I guess that's why they hold democratic elections for their leaders.

Again, that's Teen Missions International.

Only two days later I found a teaching job that started on July 20. Some might come to Taiwan and think that finding an English teaching job that quickly means that they're really good.

Here are the requirements for English teachers:
1. English must be your native language.
2. You must be able to breathe.

So far I've taught them what as rich as a Jew means and how to spell diarrhea.


1 comment:

ultramarsmars said...

hahahah.... you made my day