I kept looking back because everyone at ground zero was unsuccessfully trying to stifle a laugh. I eventually figured out who did it because no matter what color your skin is originally, embarrassment always turns it red.
It's no secret that I'm not too crazy about this teaching thing. But until my Chinese gets better, there isn't much else I can do. I tried looking for proofreading gigs, but you have to know Chinese in order to proofread English (and next thing you know, you're translating and proofreading but only getting paid for the proofreading).
Now, I've always said that if I got a nickel for every English mistake I caught and corrected on signs, ads, menus, or government brochures in this country, I would be a billionaire. But no. They only want people who are absolutely fluent in Chinese, which means the only ones getting these jobs are native Chinese speakers who learned English in a cram school from someone like me and never appreciated the value of a comma. That's how you end up with this on the can of some mold and mildew stain remover spray:

Who'd've thunk it? Mildew eliminates odors. Mildew good, odor bad. Me confyoosed.
Ah, I'm so glad you can approach you're exploits abroad with a sense of humor and a complete understanding of the human condition.....gases and all.
Hey there, Jason! I assume you've seen the site engrish.com? Oh heck, you don't need a website, you're living it!
Oh, Jason, a blog? What's next, a MySpace page littered with bad animated gifs and endless messages from your friends telling you how much "u rawk" while some lame rap/metal song blares at me from an embedded player?
Actually, I would like to see that from you. Chop chop, sir!
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